Oct 4, 2007

100 things to celebrate and be thankful for...

Today I succeed in hitting a pretty big milestone - so it is worth celebrating. I haven't said too much along the way but after a while people started noticing. In July of 2006 I started working out and kinda watching what I ate. I lost 30+ lbs but started going back to my bad habits - you can eat what you want when you work out right? Well...not for me. So, in late March I got back on track and here are some of the things I think are now worth celebrating:

1. Understanding that God cares about every detail of your life. 2. The amazing amount of encouragement I have received. 3. Working out 3. Being able to run 4 miles. 4. Seeing my dad follow suit and have his HbA1c down to 5.9 5. Being able to buckle my seat belt on a plane. 6. Crossing my legs. 7. Parents that come in town to buy you new clothes when nothing else fits :) 8. Collar bones 9. Sheri who never complained when I started cooking new food and didn't freak too much when I threw the ice cream away that she bought me 1 day. 10. All my buddies at work who bought me books, listened to my ramblings and now are in the First Place class with me. 11. Prayer 12. First Place 13. Penny - who always pushed me and encouraged me and never gave up on the girl at boot camp that could barely make it through 14. Walks with Gracie 15. New clothes 16. New great foods. 17. Feeling better 18. Being able to do a quad stretch 19. More energy 20. Clearer complexion 21. Ministry opportunities 22. Learning to be obedient in this every of my life. 23. Inspiring others 24. Sleeping better 25. Ankles that don't swell anymore 26. Wearing heels 27. Button down shirts that fit 28. All the people I work out with in the mornings. 28. The stars on Thursday morning runs...

I could go on but I am getting tired. So here is to 101 lbs gone...Cheers!! I never set an end goal - but I know I am not done with this journey yet. I will keep you posted :)